Friday, April 16, 2010

Alex's Half-Birthday

Our little man is two and a half today...or as he likes to say "two-half"!

I can't believe that time is going by so quickly.  Lately, when I look at him, I see a little boy and not the sweet baby that he once was!  As much as I loved snuggling that sweet, warm baby, I would never trade these days!

Everyday with Alex is an adventure.  He is learning new words and phrases and is using them ALL the time.  We have to watch our words around him...he sure can repeat things :)  He is also mimic-ing our movements and the things we do.  He keeps us laughing constantly - and he knows it.  He loves to make us laugh and laugh along with us!  He does so many things looking for our reaction, both positive and negative!

He has no fear and embraces life fully and fearlessly!  I love watching him try something new and hearing "I did it"!  He is full of pride when he does things on his own - he definitely is an independent little man!

He is very affectionate when he wants to be!  And really, there is nothing better than sweet kisses from my boy!  He gets so excited when Larry comes home from work and showers him with hugs and kisses and begs him to "go play"!

At school, my big boy goes off to class and says "bye-bye mama"!  I'm so glad that he likes school, but honestly, it kills me a little inside that he doesn't get more upset when I leave!  As much as I like taking him to school and getting a four hour break - I really can't wait to pick him up!  I love when he first notices me in his class and says "my mama, my mama"!

Our little boy is growing up and we are loving it!  He has changed so much in the past two and a half years - I can't wait to see what the next two and a half look like!

Happy half-Birthday, sweet boy!


Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

Love the new look! And happy halfsies, Alex!

Sarah said...

Thanks Stephanie :)