Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Silly Kids

I watched Noah and Kayla today while Jess went to get her haircut.  The kids played together so good and we had a pretty good time.

While he was here, Noah decided he really liked Alex's Woody hat (Jess said he has been in a hat phase lately).  I took a picture of sweet Noah in the hat:

And not to be outdone by his little friend, Alex had to have a picture with his Woody hat on also:

I think these are two of the cutest cowboys that I have EVER seen!!

Later, Alex decided he wanted to take some "cheese" pictures with Woody.  Since he really isn't into pictures lately (screaming "NO CHEESE" when I try to take his picture), I took advantage of the good mood and willingness to take some pictures!  Here is the result:

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