Saturday, May 30, 2009

Potty Time

This weekend, we went to Toys R Us and got Alex a "big-boy" potty. This is the potty that we got him! We don't put a roll of toliet paper on it though - it is too distracting for him ;)

Alex has shown a slight interest in using the potty, so Larry and I decided that this was as good of time as any to get him a little toliet. After setting it up, he did go pee in a two times on Saturday night and two times on Sunday!

We aren't "potty-training" him just yet, but I like the idea of getting him used to the potty and what he is supposed to do on it. I put him on it a couple times a day and if he goes, we clap and get excited, but if he doesn't that is okay, too! I figure we will really start working with him in the next few months.

This is just another sign that our little boy is growing up...all too quickly!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alex was so sleepy today! On his way upstairs for naptime, he put his head on his blankie...ON the stairs! He "rested" for a few seconds and then continued up for naptime! He was SO cute - I couldn't resist taking a picture of it. I only had my cell phone handy, so that is why the quality isn't so great!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Air Show

We went to the Air Show today at Pax River (the Naval base that Larry work on). I had never been to an air show before. It was so neat to see the stunts that the jet and helicopter pilots are able to do. It was VERY noisy, but luckily Stephanie and Matt brought ear plugs for the kids so we weren't worried too worried about the noise for Alex.

Alex surprised us at the air show and kept his hat on for most of the day (for those of you that don't know - Alex HATES hats). He also loved his sunglasses, which was a great thing. We tried out his monkey backpack (leash) and he did great with it! He really enjoyed having the freedom to walk around and we really enjoyed being able to keep tabs on him!

Here is a really cute picture that I took with my cell phone camera! Enjoy :)


As some of you may know, Alex has never been a fan of hats! The second that we put them on his head, he takes them off! We think he looks awfully cute in hats (of course we are slightly biased), but he won't leave them on!

Until today...

On the car on the way to the Air Show, he was loving his hat and Daddy's hat. He was putting them on and actually leaving them on! I know they aren't the best quality - I didn't have the camera out, so I had to take a few quick pictures with my cell phone!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alex LOVES Ketchup

Larry had to work late, so I decided to let Alex experience ketchup (for the first time) with his dinner. He made a mess, but absolutely loved it! He didn't really dip his chicken nuggets or french fries in it, instead he would dip his fingers in it and lick it off of his fingers! It was so funny!

I took a few pictures of his first tastes of ketchup!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I wear my sunglasses... Burlington Coat Factory!

Here is Alex, riding in the cart at Burlington Coat Factory, eating some Goldfish and wearing his shades:

What a silly, silly boy!

Happy Graduation, Uncle Josh!

Uncle Josh graduated today!

Larry was lucky enough to get a day off work, so we were able to fly to Alabama for Josh's graduation ceremony (and for the weekend). Larry and I decided not to bring Alex to the ceremony - we just didn't think he would be able to sit still long enough and we knew that we wouldn't be able to watch it with him there! Fortunately for us, we have amazing friends that were willing to babysit him - Barry and Kari jumped at the chance to watch him for a few hours! They brought Alex to us once the ceremony was over, so Alex was able to enjoy a few hours of Josh's graduation party!

Here are pictures of Josh (and others) from graduation! I competely forgot to get a picture of Alex and Josh together - silly me! Maybe next time we see Josh, I will make him put on his cap and gown so I can get a few pictures of them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blueberry Pancakes

Tonight for dinner, we had blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs. I used fresh blueberries in our pancakes rather than the freeze-dried ones that I have been using. Alex LOVED the blueberries in the pancakes. He was picking out the blueberries and eating them first, then he would eat the actual pancake. He ate nearly 4 panckes, which for Alex is quite an amazing thing (for those of you that don't know...Alex is a terrible eater). By the end of dinner, his mouth was covered in blueberries, as well as his hands.

Of course, being the "picture taker" that I am, I got photographic evidence. Enjoy the pictures...we sure did!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Larry, Alex and I went to the park today. Well, actually we went to two parks! The first park was near our house and we took Alex on a wagon ride to get there. We decided that we didn't really like that park, so we took him to another park! We took a bunch of pictures - enjoy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

32 Years!

Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity. ~Anonymous

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. ~Vincent van Gogh

32 Years…WOW!

In a time when people struggle to stay married longer than a year or two, my parents would have celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary today. The mere thought of that makes me smile and makes me so proud!

My parents weren’t perfect and they didn’t have the perfect marriage. They loved each other in spite of their flaws and celebrated the fact that they weren’t perfect. They had their ups and downs, good times and bad times, trials and triumphs, but through it all they stood by each other. They took the vows “for better or for worse” seriously and didn’t give up when times got tough. They stood together, side-by-side, facing whatever problems came along and because of that they were able to withstand anything that came their way.

My Mom and Dad loved each other so much and it was obvious to everyone around them. They worked to make their marriage strong – and it wasn’t something that they took for granted. Growing up, I never really remember them arguing. Not because they didn’t argue, but because they held strong to their belief that arguments were between the two of them, not for anyone else to be involved with. I liked that they sheltered me from that and I try to continue that within my own marriage.

Growing up, I never doubted two things: my parents loved each other and they loved me, both were unconditional and everlasting! I felt safe and secure knowing both of those things and I can only hope to give my child(ren) the same feeling.

I wonder how they would be celebrating today. Would they be having a quiet dinner at home? Would they go out to some restaurant? Would my Dad bring my Mom home flowers? Or better yet, would he surprise her with flowers sent to the house? Would my Dad give my Mom some extravagant present (meanwhile Mom would say that it was too much, but secretly love it)? Would my Mom give Dad something practical or give him something totally unexpected? While I wonder about all these “little things” that they would do to celebrate the day, I whole-heartedly know that they would be celebrating the love that they share and the memories made during the past 32 years.

There are times when I miss the both of them so much it hurts. I sometimes can’t understand why God didn’t let one of them stay with me. Why one of them can’t be here to comfort me when I miss the other and why one of them can’t be here to share in the important moments of my life? However, it is in those times that I am comforted by the fact that neither one of them has to experience a life without the other. My Mom and Dad had been together so long, that their lives were intertwined. Their lives were woven together so incredibly that they became one. God saw this and knew that they wouldn’t be able to live without each other. God knew that neither one of them could have lived with the pain of losing the other. God knew that taking them together was the best thing for THEM! It hurts more than I can ever explain to be left here without them, but watching either one of them suffer without the other would have hurt even more. They are together, proving that love is everlasting and unconditional.

Happy 32nd Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Thank you for showing me what a marriage is. Thank you for allowing me to grow up never having to worry about the two of you and your marriage. Thank you for showing me that life won’t always be easy, but standing by your spouse will always make things easier to withstand. Thank you for showing me what unconditional love is. I miss you both more than you will ever know, but take comfort in the fact that you are together. I love you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Jump Yard

Today, Alex and I went to The Jump Yard with Stephanie, Bella and Austin. The Jump Yard is an indoor play place here in California (Maryland). Which is the perfect place since lately we have had awful, rainy weather! They have about 7 giant inflatable playhouses. The kids had a great time running around and playing and Stephanie and I had a great time watching them. Alex was pretty independent playing with everything, however he did run up to Stephanie a few times, grab her by the hand and say "Go Away!" (we think "Go Away" really means "Let's Go" - he says it all the time when he wants you to do something). Alex took a good nap and had a blast - we can't wait to go back!

Here are a few pictures from our time at The Jump Yard:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Favorite Picture

While at the park with Amanda and Josh on Saturday, April 25, 2009, I took the following picture:

I absolutely fell in love with this picture and everything about it!

I love how his hair is just blowing in the wind and all crazy looking!

I love the smile on his face!

I love that you can see the gap in between his top two front teeth!

I love the look of pure joy and happiness on his face!

I love this picture so much that I played around with it on one of my favorite websites and came up with the following variations of it:

And my FAVORITE variation:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bare Booty Bandit

Tonight, while Larry, Alex and I were playing around on the floor, Alex started to mess with his pants. Before long, he had taken his pants off and he was SO proud of himself! After he took off his pants, he started fiddling with the back of his diaper. Larry and I looked over and we found the back of his diaper below his butt cheeks and the front of it hanging on by just a thread!
He kept his diaper like this for most of his "playtime" with Mommy and Daddy. Larry said that he was just "airing" out his behind - I just couldn't stop laughing at him! Nothing like playing with Mommy and Daddy with your butt hanging out! Somedays he is so funny :)
Sorry this picture is so was taken with the phone on my camera!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Four Generations

While Great-Grandpa Larry, Grandpa Larry, Teresa and Claudia were in town visiting, we got a few pictures of the four Cothren men (well, three Cothren men and one Cothren boy) together. It is neat to be able to have a "four generations" picture like this - one that Larry treasures and I am sure that Alex will treasure in the future!

Alex wasn't really into having his picture taken, but we managed to get a few cute ones! Here are two that I took:

Also, here is a cute one that I took of Grandpa Larry, Alex and Larry: