Thursday, October 15, 2009

Birthday Presents...from Canada!

Since January of 2007, I have been a part of a message board. I joined when I got pregnant with Alex. Our common bond was that all of our kids were due in October (some came early, most came during the month of October and a few came late). There has been a group of women that have been there since the beginning and we shared the joys of finding out we were pregnant, our fears about pregnancy, celebrated the births of our children and have asked questions about raising toddlers!

Over the past 2+ years we have become friends. We decided to do a "birthday exchange" between our kids. We bought a gift for our "birthday buddy" and received a gift from another "birthday buddy". We got our gift in early September and couldn't wait to open it.

Jenn and Mia are from Canada and sent Alex such wonderful goodies. He got a Little People racecar and person, a Scooby Doo book, a Scooby Doo card, Canada stickers and a Vancouver Winter Olympics t-shirt! They sent something that was from their area and I loved that! I can't wait to have Alex wear his shirt! Thank you Jenn and Mia for thinking of us and sending Alex such special gifts! He loved everything!

Here are some pictures of Alex opening his gifts from his "birthday buddy":

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